Encouraged by experienced people trying to sell their Rolodex and their “grey hair” we, too many times, see founders keen to bring those “experienced” people on board (and give away their shares). Besides giving away your most valuable asset (shares), at FRC we believe that, if you build something extraordinary, doors will open by themselves, and people will want to connect with you. The famous Winkelvoss brothers have a pretty cool landing page on their VC website: “If you build it, we will find you.“
Whilst this sentence relates more to fundraising, Founders should be confident in their ability to “sell” with the support of a flawless product answering a massive need on a market. Additionally, the door opening is what, to some extent, you should be looking for within your cap table by picking the right investors at the onset of your raise. If well picked, your investors will bring all those, plus some money!
This blog will always be less than 1000 characters, which is just a bit more than a Tweet and much more interesting.