Top Digital Agency
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TDA is an online platform dedicated to connecting companies with digital agencies anywhere in the world.

TDA agency is an online platform dedicated to connecting companies with digital agencies anywhere in the world. Their team comes from both digital agencies and the companies that use them. All of them were frustrated with the difficulties of finding the right match for successful partnerships.

Eventually, they realized the world desperately needed an unbiased platform where digital agencies and companies could meet one another, without the conventional restrictions placed upon them.
FRC startups get:

3x charge-free posting PRO ASSISTED ENTERPRISE LEVEL to startups when they are looking for digital agency services (website development, social media, branding, design, advertising, video, etc.).

The package includes:

3x mentoring and defining the service type need
3x definition of the project scope
3x creation of a budget plan and spend
3x project preparation
3x tailored agency outreach
3x agency analysis and report
3x assistance on agency selection

We love bold founders and we provide ‘’Capital for the Bold’’. Get it?

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