Year Invested:
Development tools
Key people:
Tihomir Dmitrović

Convoworks is bringing the voice user interface to mainstream Internet.

While voice assistants and smart speakers markets are booming, small businesses are somehow left aside. It is because they can not afford complex and costly solutions as they currently are. Additionally, most small businesses are using WordPress as the base platform and WordPress represents more than 40% of the Internet. Convoworks addresses this issue in a truly unique way. Firstly, it runs as a WordPress plugin making it capable of accessing all website data and features. Secondly, it is a GUI based solution, specially tailored for webmasters, and it enables even non programmers to use it. Lastly, like no other existing solution, Convoworks allows extensions making it suitable for even the most narrow use cases. Convoworks has a mission to become the no 1 provider for smart speaker voice applications.

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