Sonja Žigić
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Prior to joining Fil Rouge, Sonja worked as a social media manager for one of the top marketing agencies in the region, and her non linear journey is driven by her innate curiosity and constant need to improve her education. Her fields of expertise include social media advertising and community management, SEM, SEO and creating compelling content for her brands and clients alike. Former Law student turned social media devotee, Sonja holds her degree as a Digital Marketing Specialist from the Algebra University College, Zagreb.

“I honestly can’t decide between ‘Always read the fineprint’ and ‘Common sense is not that common’.“

Sonja’s role is to balance her responsibilities as a PR for the company with developing and supporting marketing strategy, communication and brand management/ corporate identity for FRC’s portfolio. Self-proclaimed grammar freak, in her free time (i.e. when she’s not correcting someone’s spelling at the office), Sonja enjoys vintage shopping and takes much pride in her extensive collection of rare vintage dresses and in the fact that she is a wake-boarding prodigy.

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